
General registration for EuroBioC2024 is open!


Registration is now open via the Oxford University Store.

For inquiries related to conference registration, organisation, or certificates of attendance, please contact us at


Accommodation was arranged with New College and Keble College.

Rooms in New College can be booked directly as part of the registration process (see registration link above). To book a room in Keble College, please email directly and quote ‘STAT2024’.

New College

For accommodation at New College:

  • Payment Deadline: Pay by 3rd June to guarantee a spot.
  • Bed and Breakfast: Private ensuite room with breakfast in the College Hall.
  • Location: Recently completed in the “Quadrangle”, just a 5-minute walk to the venue and the centre of town.
  • Discount: We’ve negotiated a generous 20% discount off the regular price.

More info: New College Gradel Quadrangles.

Carpentries workshops


Registration is now open via the Oxford University Store.


Please note that registration to these workshops does not include accommodation.

Cancellation Policy

Bioconductor is a non-profit organization, and conferences are designed only to break even every year. As a result we are generally unable to offer individual refunds.